Sandura 3D-Logo Instructions

Remove the Sandura 3D-Logo
Step 1: Position the chain
Start by gently sliding the chain until the clasp is clearly visible.
Step 2: Release the chain
To release the chain, take the clasp and slide the ball in the clasp out from one side.
Step 3: Remove the chain
Now you can carefully remove the chain and store it in our supplied bag.

Reattach the Sandura 3D-Logo
Step 1: Preparation with the Tweezer
Hold the Tweezer ready and push it through the rubber patch on the garment.
Step 2: Preparing the chain and the Sandura
Take the chain in your hand and place the Sandura so that the front is facing upwards. Step 3: Inserting the chain
If the hook of the Tweezer is sticking out on the left side, take the left end of the chain and pass it through the hook of the Tweezer.
If the hook of the Tweezer is sticking out on the right side, take the right end of the chain and pass it through the hook of the Tweezer.
Step 4: Pulling out with the Tweezer
Pull the Tweezer carefully out of the rubber patch with the chain.
Step 5: Attaching the chain to the clasp
Now you can attach the chain securely to the clasp.

With these steps you can easily remove and reattach the Sandura. Make sure you handle the chain and logo carefully to avoid damaging them.